Christi’s Indian Curry
(Lamb, Chicken, or Beef will work)
By Ron Bishop
By Ron Bishop
Ron and I are pictured here at the top of a small mountain we climbed up in the Amboseli Game Reserve. This day we saw elephants, rhinos, zebras, giraffes, hyenas, and lots of other animals.
We are having a great time here. Our seminars are finished in Kenya but we have meetings at night now at a church in Nairobi that meets in a tent.
I just made another big pot of lamb curry. David Cerar wanted me to make it one more time. (I’ll post the recipe if I get a chance tomorrow.) Jacob and Kim Mills are here. They have a 2 hr. feature film that they are showing all over. It is in Swahili and was made by their ministry.
By Ron Bishop
Hello from Ron,
We had a great time this week conducting a Leadership Training Conference here in the city of Limuru, just north of Nairobi. Then yesterday we started the day off with a missionary breakfast hosted by David Cerar, serving up pancakes, waffles, sausage, coffee and juice! We had about 15 here in the house for breakfast.
By Ron Bishop
We had a fantastic Saturday. Ron did a leadership training conference at an Assembly of God Church. He taught out of the book of Acts and it was great. Last night was awesome too at the church!
Yesterday we went way up into the Andes Mountains to a Hot Springs. It was so wonderful, getting into the hot, hot water and then into a cold stream and then back into the hot springs, and it was chilly outside so you wanted to stay in the hot water.
By Ron Bishop
We’re doing great in Rwanda and enjoying this beautiful nation. We are at the airport just to send out a quick email. (The airport has internet access and is conveniently across the street from the neighborhood we are living in.)
The ministry is amazing, the weather is lovely and we’re having a wonderful time. The graduation of the Bible College where I spoke on Saturday was a fabulous experience. Many of the students have such miraculous testimonies, so we’ll have lots of stories to tell when we return!