We just got back from Burma! It was a quick trip…much quicker than we thought. We were supposed to go to a church there. We left our car on the Thailand side and walked across the long bridge in the hot sun. It is similar to crossing the bridge into Mexico at Laredo.
Anyway, when we got to the Burma side, they said we had to surrender our passports and they wanted to give us a piece of yellow post it paper with our number just written in ink in order to pick them back up when we finished. We had all brought them a copy of our passports and we had paid for the visas and this was completely ridiculous…so Ron and Wade tried to reason with them but they would not listen. Havier, a Honduran who joined our team last week from California, was hassled most — they smiled at him and took a cigarette lighter and two different times acted like they were going to set his passport on fire! So needless to say we got the stamp in our passports and then turned around and walked back across the bridge. The Pastor was waiting on the other side and saw us turn back, but we didn’t know who he was at the time. Oh well! At least we stopped and really prayed for Burma before we left its shores.
Pray for us, I am feeling kind of poorly, probably a little dehydrated…it’s so hot, and Ron fell yesterday and has now got a sprained wrist and a sore back. He also got dehydrated the day before it hit me. It really is hot here and, although we’re drinking lots of water, it must not be enough.
We return to Chiang Mai tomorrow.